President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, who presented a series of initiatives and projects aimed at advancing the higher education and science systems.


According to the minister, Kazakhstan currently has 25 branches of foreign universities. This positions Kazakhstan as an educational and scientific hub in the region. Agreements have been reached with international partners to transform regional state universities into research institutions with international education standards.


This year, new financial support tools for students have been introduced: the "Keleshek" voluntary accumulation system, "National Fund - Children," preferential educational loans, and differentiated grants. These measures are designed to ensure access to higher education for all segments of the population.


"The minister reported on the progress of the President’s directives regarding artificial intelligence. Currently, 8 universities offer 15 educational programs in artificial intelligence, with over 2,000 students enrolled. To develop human resources for the digital economy, cooperation has been established with multinational companies such as Google, Nvidia, Coursera, 01 Edu System, and Huawei. Under the 'Bolashak' program, 100 scholarships will be allocated annually for training specialists in artificial intelligence," the Akorda press service reported.


In conclusion, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev issued a number of directives for the development of higher education and science infrastructure, including the construction of dormitories.

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